Theme 1.0

Theme 1.0

Taking the threat out of threatened species

Identifying and effectively controlling the prevalent threats being faced by species close to extinction is crucial to their conservation.

General principles will be developed and tested to reduce key threats based on research at carefully chosen sites around Australia.

This theme will focus on:

  • Developing evidence-based management tools and protocols to reduce impacts of introduced predators on threatened mammals
  • Conserving critical and threatened habitats
  • Managing fire regimes with thresholds to save threatened flora and fauna
Impacts and management options for introduced predators

Impacts and management options for introduced predators

Feral cats and foxes, as well as changed fire regimes and introduced herbivores, have caused many species extinctions and remain a serious threat to Australia’s vertebrate species, especially its mammals. This research aims to find the best management actions to reduce the impacts of feral predators, and help restore native animal populations including threatened species.
Responses of threatened species to cats and fire management in Kakadu and northern savannas

Responses of threatened species to cats and fire management in Kakadu and northern savannas

The project is compiling and analysing a large dataset on the occurrence of cats, native mammals and fire to evaluate landscape-scale relationships in Kakadu and the Top End . It will also analyse and document responses of native reptiles and mammals to cat-exclusion at established fenced sites in Kakadu National Park.
Feral cat distribution, abundance, management and impacts on threatened species: collation and analysis of data

Feral cat distribution, abundance, management and impacts on threatened species: collation and analysis of data

This project will improve our understanding of feral cat impacts and how to mitigate those impacts. It will collate and analyse large and diverse sets of data to estimate cat distribution and abundance, and measure predation rates by cats on birds, reptiles and mammals, and to identify the ecological traits that make some species more susceptible to cat predation than others.
Feral cat control for threatened species in Queensland

Feral cat control for threatened species in Queensland

This project aims to determine the effectiveness of feral cat control options, and their benefits to threatened mammals such as the bridled nailtail wallaby in Queensland. It will recommend long-term management strategies for feral cats in national parks.
The role of feral predators in disrupting small vertebrate communities in arid South Australia

The role of feral predators in disrupting small vertebrate communities in arid South Australia

This project is investigating why native species persist in some refuge areas of South Australia but not others, and the role of habitat condition and especially feral predators in restricting their populations. The kowari and fawn hopping mouse are threatened and other species such as the plains mouse and crest-tailed mulgara are restricted in range.
Feral predators in south-east Australia: Towards a ‘beyond the fence’ strategy

Feral predators in south-east Australia: Towards a ‘beyond the fence’ strategy

This project is developing new statistical methods to generate robust estimates of density of feral predators based on camera trap data. This will be useful for reintroducing threatened mammals into the broader landscape outside fenced reserves.
Integrated management of feral herbivores and feral predators

Integrated management of feral herbivores and feral predators

This research will uncover how feral cats respond when an abundant source of rabbits is removed from the landscape. Do they prey switch and increase their impact on native animals? Do many die of hunger? We will conduct a landscape-scale experiment at the Arid Recovery reserve in South Australia to find out.
Some responses of the threatened Northern Quoll to a large-scale cat baiting program in the Pilbara

Some responses of the threatened Northern Quoll to a large-scale cat baiting program in the Pilbara

This project will build on an existing large-scale feral cat baiting program in the Pilbara being undertaken by WA DBCA in partnership with Rio Tinto in order to advance our understanding of how the Northern Quoll and other native species respond to feral predator control, and how to optimise future cat baiting programs more generally.
Livestock guardian dogs to protect threatened species and restore habitat

Livestock guardian dogs to protect threatened species and restore habitat

This project will test the value of using livestock guardian dogs (conventionally used to protect livestock such as sheep) to protect vulnerable native species from invasive predators and increase the success of ecological restoration by preventing the over-browsing of regenerating plant communities.
Response of the Kangaroo Island Dunnart and other threatened species to a cat eradication program

Response of the Kangaroo Island Dunnart and other threatened species to a cat eradication program

Controlling feral cats on biodiversity-rich islands is a high priority for the conservation of Australia’s biodiversity. This project will document the benefits of the Kangaroo Island (KI) cat eradication program on the KI dunnart and other threatened species. It will also fill knowledge gaps about the ecology and improve monitoring techniques for the KI dunnart.
Managing feral cats to benefit the night parrot

Managing feral cats to benefit the night parrot

Feral cats are considered a key threat to the night parrot, but cats are very challenging to manage in the remote and vast landscapes where night parrot populations have recently been rediscovered. This project will undertake a range of research on feral cats to support effective strategies to deal with the threat of feral cats around night parrot populations.
Mitigating cat impacts on the brush-tailed rabbit-rat

Mitigating cat impacts on the brush-tailed rabbit-rat

The brush-tailed rabbit-rat of northern Australia’s tropical savannas has declined dramatically. Cat predation is considered a major threat, but cat impacts are influenced by vegetation, which in turn is strongly influenced by fire.
Conserving critical and threatened habitats

Conserving critical and threatened habitats

This project will study how best to conserve threatened ecological communities and critical habitats for threatened and endangered species across Australia. Initial focus is on the Box Gum Grassy woodlands and endangered Buloke Woodlands of the Riverina and Murray-Darling Depression Bioregions as well as Alpine Bogs and Fens.
Conservation of box gum grassy woodlands and the threatened species within them

Conservation of box gum grassy woodlands and the threatened species within them

This project focuses on refining and enhancing management strategies for the Threatened Ecological Community of the box gum grassy woodlands of southern eastern Australia. The project aims to improve our understanding of how to manage and restore ecosystem values and critical habitat features.
Can culling noisy miners benefit threatened woodland birds?

Can culling noisy miners benefit threatened woodland birds?
Noisy miner populations have expanded in fragmented agricultural landscapes, aggressively outcompeting many other smaller species of native woodland birds. This project will determine if culling is an effective method to manage the impacts of noisy miners on threatened woodland birds.
Survival and persistence of woodland birds in restoration plantings

Survival and persistence of woodland birds in restoration plantings
Restoration plantings in fragmented agricultural landscapes provide habitat for declining woodland bird communities, but can they support resident, breeding populations of woodland birds? This research project focuses on the breeding success and site fidelity of woodland birds in restoration plantings in the South West Slopes Bioregion of NSW.
How bird communities change in relation to vegetation change

How bird communities change in relation to vegetation change
This project will examine how bird communities change at woodland restoration sites in south-eastern Australia. The project will use long-term datasets to compare changes in the assemblage of woodland birds that occupy tree plantings with birds that occupy stands of remnant vegetation.
Testing the effectiveness of nest boxes for threatened species

Testing the effectiveness of nest boxes for threatened species
This project aims to determine the usefulness of artificial hollows as an effective offsetting tool for tree removal in agricultural landscapes (e.g., to offset the loss of paddock trees as a result of cropping intensification and road widening).
Enhancing critical habitat for the pink-tailed worm-lizard in agricultural landscapes

Enhancing critical habitat for the pink-tailed worm-lizard in agricultural landscapes
Box gum grassy woodland and derived native grassland, is an endangered ecological vegetation community which often occurs in agricultural landscapes. Within this community rocky outcrops provide critical habitats for a wide range of flora and fauna, such as the vulnerable Pink-tailed Worm-lizard.
Restoring the Endangered Yass daisy

Restoring the Endangered Yass daisy
Land clearing has resulted in the loss of approximately 85% of the box gum woodland vegetation community and what remains is often highly degraded. The woodlands are important to a number of threatened ground cover species including the Yass daisy. This project addresses the problem of how to best conserve this critically endangered vegetation community.
Adaptive management of endangered Buloke woodlands

Adaptive management of endangered Buloke woodlands

Remaining patches of the once widespread Buloke Woodlands are degraded and failing to regenerate. The project team is working with Parks Victoria to investigate why key species are not regenerating and to test management techniques that could improve the recovery of this endangered ecological community.
Supporting alpine peatland recovery by prioritising action on threats

Supporting alpine peatland recovery by prioritising action on threats

Alpine peatlands are an endangered ecological community in Australia and are critical habitat for a large number of threatened species. They are subject to a wide variety of interacting threats that vary greatly across the landscape. Managing and recovering alpine peatlands is hampered by a lack of knowledge about how different alpine peatlands respond to different management interventions.
Ecosystem accounts in box gum grassy woodlands

Ecosystem accounts in box gum grassy woodlands

Box gum grassy woodlands are a critically endangered ecosystem. This project will develop ecosystem accounts for this threatened ecological community, to demonstrate the benefits of the ecosystem to the economy, productivity of the land and human well-being by attributing values for ecosystem services.
Coordinated recovery planning for threatened woodlands

Coordinated recovery planning for threatened woodlands

This project will develop a framework to aid EPBC Act listing and recovery processes for southern Australian eucalypt woodlands. The aim is that this work will contribute directly to the development of future recovery plans for woodland communities in Australia, by providing a template for developing a group recovery plan for multiple ecological communities.
Managing fire regimes to save threatened flora and fauna

Managing fire regimes to save threatened flora and fauna

This project will improve fire management strategies and conservation outcomes to save threatened flora and fauna from extinction. On-ground trials and experiments, new data, modelled scenarios and improved management practices will assist fire management authorities to implement sustainable fire regimes and avoid further declines in threatened species.
Fire and native flora

Fire and native flora

Altered fire regimes are a major threats to biodiversity in fire-prone landscapes. Understanding their impacts can help us effectively manage threatened plant species and ecological communities. This project will improve fire management strategies to prevent the extinction of threatened plant species.
Fire and invasive predators

Fire and invasive predators

Inappropriate fire regimes and predation by red foxes and feral cats have played a major role in the decline and extinction of Australia’s native mammals. This project aims to help understand and manage the interactions between fire, invasive predators and threatened native animals in south-eastern Australia.
Fire, predators and the endangered northern bettong

Fire, predators and the endangered northern bettong

The northern bettong is only found in a tiny section of Queensland’s wet tropics, and has declined severely in range in the past decade. It now persists in just two locations, one of which may only hold a very small population.
Pirra Jungku: Contemporary and traditional fire management approaches in the desert

Pirra Jungku: Contemporary and traditional fire management approaches in the desert

Landscape-scale fire management in arid areas is challenging because of the vast areas involved. Interest in using techniques like aerial incendiary for fire management in deserts is growing, but it is unclear whether this approach will deliver the same cultural practice, fire and biodiversity outcomes, as traditional, very fine-scale burning carried out from the ground.
Managing fire to recover monsoon vine thickets on the Dampier Peninsula

Managing fire to recover monsoon vine thickets on the Dampier Peninsula

This project aims to use remote sensing to detect changes in canopy health and fire patterns over the past 30 years in the monsoon vine thickets on the Dampier Peninsula – a threatened ecological community that are of high cultural significance to the Indigenous people on the peninsula – to measure the effectiveness of these recovery efforts.
Disease and faunal declines

Disease and faunal declines

​Researchers are working with on-ground management authorities to help control three wildlife diseases that threaten our fauna: chytrid fungus, toxoplasmosis and myrtle rust, and to prevent the extinction of affected species.
Saving threatened frogs with refuges from disease, fish predation and fragmentation

Saving threatened frogs with refuges from disease, fish predation and fragmentation

This project will identify and create safe havens for the Endangered spotted tree frog and threatened bell frog species. Disease caused by chytrid fungus, predation by non-native fish and habitat loss are all contributing to these species’ declines.
The role of toxoplasmosis in mammal declines

The role of toxoplasmosis in mammal declines

Toxoplasmosis was introduced to Australia by cats, who also continue to spread the disease. It is known that the disease affects Australian mammals, and that many Australian mammals are suffering dramatic declines. It is completely unknown, however, whether toxoplasmosis is contributing to these declines and how it compares to other threats.
Understanding and combatting myrtle rust

Understanding and combatting myrtle rust

This project will advance our understanding of the plant disease myrtle rust and help to combat its impacts, which affects both threatened and commercially important species. First detected in 2010, it has spread rapidly and caused localised plant extinctions.
Guidelines on how to treat Australian wildlife with sarcoptic mange

Guidelines on how to treat Australian wildlife with sarcoptic mange

Wildlife disease is an increasingly important threat to many species of conservation concern. The impact of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) on wombats is a matter of considerable concern to some members of the wider community, as evidenced by multiple submissions to the recent Senate Inquiry on Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis.
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