Understanding and combatting myrtle rust

Thu, 28 Oct 2021

Myrtle Rust is an invasive fungus introduced to Australia in 2010 and it has since impacted over 360 species.

The spread of myrtle rust is worrying Dr Geoff Pegg from the QLD Department of Agriculture and Fisheries who is looking at the impact of myrtle rust following the 2019 fires at a range of sites on the east coast.

Locations that have been burnt are at greater risks from myrtle rust since it affects the young leaves and regrowth, stopping the trees from ever recovering.

This project includes a collaboration with the Butchulla Land and Sea Rangers who are undertaking monitoring work on K’Gari.

Find out more in this video and on our website: https://www.nespthreatenedspecies.edu.au/projects/fire-and-rust-the-impact-of-myrtle-rust-on-fire-regeneration