Saving species on Australian islands: A national database of threatened species on Australian islands - Findings Factsheet

Author(s):   Salit Kark, Peter Baxter, Andrew Rogers
Publisher: TSR Hub

Australia has a wealth of islands (> 9200), many of which support unique, endemic and threatened flora and fauna. The islands occur across vast latitudes and jurisdictions, making coordinated management challenging.

To effectively target conservation management across islands, it is important to have a reliable source of data documenting islands that host threatened species. To address this need, we created the first national database of threatened species on Australian islands. We complied new and existing data into three interlinked tables, which are called the Island Occurrences of Threatened Australian Species (IOTAS), All Threatened Species, and Islands tables. The database covers multiple taxonomic groups. We also combined and edited four recent invasive species datasets to form the first combined database of weed and vertebrate pest species records on Australian islands. This latter database is under development and has incomplete records, but can provide preliminary insight into potential impacts on native species, such as threats from feral predators.