Review of faunal responses to fire-associated management actions

Date: 02, Nov, 2020
Author(s):   Natasha Robinson
Publisher: TSR Hub

What can we do to facilitate recovery of wildlife within fire-affected habitat? This project will collate and synthesise knowledge on the range of management actions that are implemented in association with fire. These actions will reviewed in terms of the responses of fauna to these actions and their ability to assist with the recovery of fauna post-fire. This global review will include all types of management actions, in all fire-prone vegetation communities and responses by terrestrial and freshwater vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these fire-associated management options in assisting fauna recovery, with a particular emphasis on the responses of Australian forest fauna, and provide recommendations to conservation and fire managers. This project will also examine how woodland and forest birds respond after fires in the immediate aftermath and medium term, how these impacts vary with fire severity and extent, and the effectiveness of prescribed burning at mitigating these impacts.