Faunal responses to fire-associated management actions

Date: 23, Nov, 2021
Author(s): Natasha Robinson   Eli Bendall  
Publisher: TSR Hub

Severe and unusually widespread wildfires are becoming more frequent. These create challenges for fauna management, as many animals are killed, and post-fire habitat is often unsuitable for long periods. The need for effective management strategies that minimise the negative impacts of fires on fauna, and enhance the recovery of affected species following fire, is urgent. This project collated and synthesised knowledge on fire-associated management actions and their effectiveness in facilitating fauna recovery and persistence. Our results are based on a review of internationally published literature and Australian grey literature, and a survey of Australian practitioners. We found that while many of the fire-associated actions currently used within Australia may be valid and reasonable, scientific evidence demonstrating their effectiveness for wildlife conservation is typically absent. More research and funding to monitor actions being undertaken is needed to be able to provide guidance on best practice management.