Book of Hope Case Study: Black-cockatoo recovery on Kangaroo Island

Date: 20, Aug, 2019
Author(s):   K. Berris, M. Barth, T. Mooney, D. Paton, M. Kinloch, P. Copley, A. Maguire, G. Crowley, Stephen Garnett, Peter Latch, David Lindenmayer, John Woinarski
Publisher: TSR Hub

For the past 40 years, the last remaining population of the South Australian subspecies of glossy blackcockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus) has been confined to Kangaroo Island. Its diet is highly specialised, comprising almost entirely the seeds from the drooping she-oak (Allocasuarina verticillata). In 1995, the population numbered fewer than 150 individuals and was deemed at risk of extinction, initiating the Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Program.