Genetic management and population modelling of translocated fauna: Dibbler (Parantechinus apicalis)

Date: 01, Nov, 2020
Author(s):   Daniel White, Zahra Aisya
Publisher: TSR Hub

With many threatened Australian species experiencing increased fragmentation and elevated extinction risk, translocations are increasingly being used in conservation management. Maintaining genetic diversity is a key component to successful translocation programs, meaning there are certain criteria for founder populations. However, gaining access to ideal founder populations may not be possible if a species is restricted to offshore islands, as island populations are often isolated with no immigration, and constrained effective population sizes in small populations lead to low genetic diversity. Captive breeding has played critical roles in conservation management of threatened species when remnant source populations are of limited or uncertain size, and mitigates the inherent risk of extinction due to over-harvesting for wild-to-wild translocations.