Rob Brandle

Project Leader
Department for Environment and Water, South Australian Government
Robert has 26 years of experience working in South Australian arid and semi-arid ecosystems that includes:
  • distributional and ecological studies of threatened fauna and flora
  • island and mainland fauna re-introductions
  • bioregional scale biodiversity and vegetation mapping surveys
  • investigations of ecosystem response to manipulation of grazing management
  • development of rapid methods for identifying ecosystem condition states and land condition assessment
  • evaluating management effectiveness using motion activated cameras and practical herbivore impact assessment methods.
His experience in species-specific studies include threatened mammals, birds and plants; in re-introductions stick-nest rats, western quolls and brushtail possums; and he also has contributed to or led bioregional surveys focused on vascular plants and vertebrate fauna from the following bioregions: Stony Plains, Channel Country, Simpson-Strzelecki, Great Victoria Desert, Flinders Ranges, Murray River Valley and Eyre Peninsula.

Robert’s current focus is on developing landscape scale conservation programs with affordable monitoring and evaluation programs for the South Australian Arid Lands NRM region.