Natasha Cadenhead

Research Assistant

Natasha is a Research Assistant for TSR Hub Director Brendan Wintle, in the Quantitative and Applied Ecology group at The University of Melbourne. She works on a variety of research across the Hub and externally, manages project 2.3 “Enhancing threatened species outcomes for Christmas Island”, keeps an eye on Theme 4 projects, and provides other administrative support to the Hub. Her research is in conservation and applied ecology, and she works mostly with population viability analyses, habitat modelling, trade impacts on biodiversity, spatial prioritisation, decision tools and spatial ecology. She’s interested in using quantitative tools to help conservation decision makers make better decisions.

She completed a Master of Science at The University of Melbourne in 2013 where her research focussed on evaluating options for conserving the endangered great desert skink, Liopholis kintorei, under uncertainty about changing climate and fire regimes. She has worked for the NESP TSR Hub, and its predecessor, the NERP Environmental Decisions Hub, since then. Natasha enjoys anything that gets her outside in the sun, particularly if there is the promise of brunch at the end of it.